AAVTC Annually represents clients with master planned developments, apartment complexes, commercial retail properties, high rise office buildings, hotels regional shopping malls as well as many owner occupied buildings.
We have a long history of maintaining our client’s property value at or below market value based on our knowledge of appraisal theory and property tax laws. It is important for property owners to realize that property taxes are based on the lower of market value or uniform and equal value. Many property owners feel they are taxed fairly when their property tax appraisal mirrors their recent purchase price. But this is not the case if surrounding (comparable) properties are not assessed at the same level. Furthermore, commercial building owners often feel that their income is too high to warrant a look into the current assessment without understanding that certain components of income are excluded from the valuation basis.
Commercial Property – We will render your property and negotiate values with appraisers informally and if we (and or you) are not satisfied we will protest the assessment and represent you at the administrative appeals process. Past the appeals boards additional tax relief can be had by filing suit in district court (you must employ an attorney) or if the property is eligible, arbitration maybe an option.
Residential Property Services - American Ad Valorem with the assistance of its sister company AAVTC Realty LLC aggressively defends its residential and second home properties from unequal and above market value assessments. With our in house real estate brokerage and licensed real estate agents and appraisers, American Ad Valorem has access to all MLS listed sales and knows the market. We annually file protests on hundreds of residential and lease properties. See our list of accounts lowered last year.
Resort and Mixed Use Master Planned Communities – American Ad Valorem is an experienced real property development partner. We advise clients on all property tax matters related to retail, residential, commercial, and even luxury resort community development projects.
American Ad Valorem works with these developers to navigate the tax terrain during the multiyear developmental stages. Typical services include proforma tax planning, rollback tax estimates and review of rollback tax assessments. Tax apportionment input on phased sales and protests of existing property
Current Master Planned Development Projects:
Rural Lands & Agriculture – American Ad Valorem represents more than two million acres of Texas farm & ranch lands, wildlife management program lands and recreational hunting lands. Our Real Estate Consultants work with appraisal districts and their agricultural committees in their annual review of discount rates expense ratios and productivity value schedules. Ensuring that our client’s lands continue to qualify for agricultural use and other exemptions is an annual priority.
Our tax representatives accompany the county appraisers on physical inspections of houses, buildings and improvements on farm and ranch properties. We ensure that proper valuation techniques are observed by the appraisal districts for these buildings and improvements that are rarely sold separate from the large tracts of land on which they reside. We also audit the appraisal cards to distinguish between non-permanent hunting camp improvements of the lessees and those of the lessor for break-out of tax responsibility.
Manufacturing, Oil & Gas, Construction, Pipelines, Utilities, Marine Services and other Complex Property
Medical Equipment, Retail, Wholesale, Franchise Fast Food, Distributors, Trucking and Fleet Services, Inventory